TNE technology Air bearing high speed turbo blower
Air bearing high speed turbo blower
Product Feature
- TNE air bearing turbo blower is a high-efficiency blower that can operate in a wide range of industrial environments and is designed based on TNE unique air-end technology and enclosure design.
- TNE air bearings patented in Korea and abroad are customized for blower operating conditions.
- Test facilities that meet domestic and overseas standard test standards (KS B 6350/PTC 13/ISO Annex G ) can be used to conduct performance tests and provide reports according to customer requests.
TNE Air Bearing High Speed Turbo Blower Core and Components
TNE Air Bearing High Speed Turbo Blower Core and Components
Key Features
Design for frequent start and stop applications
- Ideal for filter backwash and membrane application
- Enable for SBRs or Digestors application
- No more wasted energy from idle operation at no load
Fully open discharge operation
- Vaned Diffuser option for a stable operation at zero pressure application while maintaining high efficiency
Operating Mode
- Constant speed operation
- Constant pressure operation
- DO/ Power Operation
Industry 4.0
- Remote monitoring and operation
- Programmable start/stop
- Automatic start/stop operation
Patented improved and robust air bearing modules
- Weld-free air bearings for better reliability and consistency
- Quality inspection of independent bearing module for reliable and consistent service of mass production volume
Environment friendly cooling system
- Green technology certification
- A sealed flow path preventing dust from coming inside from the outside.
- Protecting electrical components from H2S gas.
Engineered outdoor enclosure near the application
- Comply with IP54 and IP56 standard ratings
Simple operation without hassle with ATB
- Simple operation without complicated controller
- Turbo blower without BOV (low pressure)